Gift your Child
  • Stress-free Examinations
  • Excellent Grades
  • Whole Brain Thinking
  • Intuitive Intelligence
  • Communicative Intelligence
  • Numerical Intelligence
  • Social Intelligence
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • and More ...
Gift your Child
  • Stress-free Examinations
  • Excellent Grades
  • Whole Brain Thinking
  • Intuitive Intelligence
  • Communicative Intelligence
  • Numerical Intelligence
  • Social Intelligence
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • and More ...

Sukshma Dhrashta

A Neuro-Cognitive development program for students

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The Brain is the Hardware and The Mind is the Software. A perfect balance and synchrony between the two is the “Secret to success”. 

The Brain is the Hardware and The Mind is the Software. 

A perfect balance and synchrony between the two is the “Secret to Excellence”. 

What is Neuro+Cognition?

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Neuro: Neural Wiring in the Brain

The neural wiring of the brain is a complex and dynamic system that is constantly changing throughout our lives, as we learn and experience new things.

Cognition: Algorithms of the Mind

Learning involves acquiring knowledge and skills through experience. This can be seen as an algorithmic process that involves encoding information into memory, consolidating it through repetition, and retrieving it when needed.

What is Whole Brain Thinking ?

Left Brain : Analytical Center

The left hemisphere of the brain is primarily responsible for logical and analytical thinking, as well as verbal communication and language processing.

Right Brain : Creative Center

The Right hemisphere of the brain is primarily responsible for many cognitive functions, including creativity, intuition, and spatial awareness.

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Benefits of
Whole Brain Thinking

Enhanced Grasping

Avg. Increase in Grasping


Longer Attention span

Enhanced Attention Span


Clarity of Thought

Improvement in Clarity


Communication Skills

Improved Communication Skills

Numerical Intelligence

Enhanced Numerical Intelligence

Intuitive Intelligence

Heightened Intuitive intelligence

and more ....

Steps to Enhance your Child's
Learning abilities

A simple 05 Part Action Plan

Increase the Neuroplasticity of the Brain

Neuroplasticity is essential for learning and memory. It allows us to form new connections between neurons and strengthen existing connections, which is crucial for the acquisition and retention of information.

Rewire Cognitive Algorithms for Growth

Paying attention to thoughts and try to identify any recurring negative patterns. This could include things like self-doubt, fear of failure, or a tendency to focus on the negative.

Avoiding Rote Learning

Focus on understanding concepts instead of simply memorising facts and figures, try to understand the underlying concepts. Instead of accepting information at face value, practice critical thinking by evaluating evidence, considering alternative perspectives, and questioning assumptions.

Follow a Schematic Process

A consistent approach to growth can help ensure that efforts are not haphazard or scattered. A schematic process can help teams stay on track, make sure nothing is missed, and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal.

Associate with a Growth Community

Sukshma Dhrashta growth community can be highly beneficial for personal development. Our mentoring groups which include like-minded individuals who are committed to personal growth, development, and self-improvement your growth is made a lot easier.

Negative Impacts of
Rote Learning

Rote learning is a memorisation technique in which information is repeated over and over again since the information is difficult to comprehend. There are several negative impacts associated with this approach like Limited Understanding, Short-Term Memory, Lack of Creativity, Negative Attitudes and Limited Application etc 

Lack of Deep Understanding

Rote learning focuses on memorizing facts without fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Students may be able to regurgitate information without truly comprehending its meaning or application. This limits their ability to think critically, problem-solve, and apply knowledge in real-life situations.

Limited Learning Retention

Since rote learning primarily relies on repetition and memorization, the retention of information tends to be short-term. Students may forget the material shortly after the exam or assignment is completed, making it less effective for long-term learning and mastery.

Mental Inflexibility

Rote learning tends to promote rigid thinking patterns and inflexible knowledge. It does not encourage creativity, independent thinking, or the ability to connect and synthesize information from different sources. This can hinder students' ability to adapt to new situations, solve complex problems, or think critically.

Higher Emotional Stress

Rote learning can create a stressful learning environment, as students may feel pressure to memorize large amounts of information within a specific timeframe. This pressure can lead to anxiety, rote memorization without true understanding, and a negative association with learning in general.

Reduced Motivation and Exciting

Rote learning can be monotonous and repetitive, leading to reduced student motivation and engagement. When students are not actively involved in the learning process or do not see the relevance of the material to their lives, they may become disinterested, disengaged, and less inclined to pursue further education.

Reduced of higher-order skills

Rote learning tends to prioritize the memorization of facts and figures over the development of higher-order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. These skills are crucial for higher education and professional success, as they enable individuals to think critically, make connections, and solve complex problems.

Limited application to real-life situations

Rote learning often focuses on isolated facts or procedures without providing a broader context or real-life application. Students may struggle to apply their knowledge to real-world situations or understand the relevance and practicality of what they have learned.

Sukshma Dhrashta is a scientific Program with FMRI Results

There have been several studies that have used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the effects of Supramental Meditations on brain activity. Here is one example of our findings. These findings suggest that Supramental Meditation can have a significant impact on brain activity and may lead to improvements in attention, emotion regulation, and cognitive control.
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Divyam Singal

My intuition has improved, and I am able to come up with ideas much more quickly. I am physically fitter and more athletic from what I used to be before the program. I feel Emotional and mental Stability throughout the day, specially during examinations. 

Aum Vyas

Earlier i use to be a very introvert and shy person but now after joining Sukshma Dhrashta program i am able to communicate and talk confidently and also i am no more camera shy.

Now, I don’t fear speaking on the Stage.

Akshaya Ramakrishnan

The program has helped me improve my communication skills and be more open to others. I am able to interact with others more easily. Academically, I don’t need to study a lot, just a read through the book is enough to help me remember the key concepts.

Looking for a Neuro-Cognitive Development program for Adults?

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